Friday, October 26, 2007


What is it with the people who claim to be Christians, Christian Leaders, and Leaders who are Christians spending so much of their time doing things that in their own Holy Book are considered sins? Jesus said love your enemy, they don't, Jesus said turn the other cheek, they don't. Jesus said not to do your acts of righteousness for people to see, they do. Jesus said do not build your riches, they do.

If you step back and look at some of things people do claiming to be Christian, it is almost humorous. I am not saying Christianity is bad or wrong. But if someone is sitting on a big pile of money telling you to be Christian or you are going to hell, I think if you read the Christian Bible "honestly" it will be clear that person is not someone to follow.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Nobel Peace Prize

How Al Gore won the Noble Peace Prize for his Environmental activism is beyond me but considering the same prize for peace was giving to the head of a terrorist organization, anything is possible. This is cunning maneuvering by Gore to win the nomination of the Democrats. It harkens to the age of Thomas Jefferson and John Adams who considered it unsavory to seek a political office, rather they had the likes of James Madison campaign for them. Gore can look like the hero, answering the call of the party to return and lead them to victory rather than the unfulfilled son trying desperately to outdo his father's legacy. His consistent exaggerations, so devastatingly capitalized on by Karl Rove's efficient election machine, are classic mannerisms of a man who grew up trying to impress his father. Winning the Presidency he can finally put one over on him, even if it is posthumously.

I predicted to my wife that Gore would run again after 2000 because history predicted it. Three previous elections had ended with the popular vote winner losing in the Electoral College. In two instances, the loser of the election won the next race and both won two terms. The other only left politics because of health reasons. The next closest election of the 20th Century (and yes, 2000 was in the 20th Century, there was no year 0) was Kennedy-Nixon in 1960. Of course Nixon went on to be President and win two terms. He, like Gore, was a former Vice President and made an unlikely comeback after several years on the side lines. Interestingly, the 3 Presidents who were direct decedents of former Presidents all lost the popular vote but won the Electoral College.

The Democrats are too anxious about winning this election to add the gender issue to the mix. They have put enough pressure on themselves to with let alone elect the first woman. Gore is now in position to step in after any missteps and maybe he will take her with, reversing the Clinton-Gore ticket.

If Al Gore really cared about the environment would he keep his pool heated 24/7?